How To Migrate To MTN TruTalk

MTN TrueTalk

If you’re a mobile device user on the MTN network who loves to talk for long hours MTN TruTalk is the tariff plan for you. This is because MTN TruTalk provides subscribers with affordable call rates, data and several other bonuses. Given the current state of the Nigerian economy, you’ll understand the essence of affordable tariff plans for calls, data and every other mobile device needs. 

In this post, we will walk you through everything you need to know about MTN True Talk and how to migrate to MTN TruTalk today. Follow our step-by-step guide to migrate to the MTN TruTalk tariff, to get all the benefits that come with being on the MTN TruTalk tariff plan today.

What is MTN TruTalk?

MTN TruTalk is a prepaid tariff that allows subscribers to enjoy a FLAT rate of 14kobo/sec for calls across all local Networks in Nigeria after you have paid a daily access fee of ₦10. All MTN Prepaid customers can migrate to the MTN TruTalk tariff plan.

Who Can Subscribe To MTN TruTalk?

All prepaid subscribers on the MTN network are eligible and allowed to activate or migrate to the MTN TruTalk tariff plan. This means that if you wish to migrate to MTN TruTalk as a postpaid subscriber, you have to become a prepaid subscriber to be able to migrate to MTN TruTalk to enjoy the benefits that come with MTN TruTalk. 

How Much To Activate MTN TruTalk 

To activate or migrate to MTN TruTalk tariff plan you will not be charged any fees for your first time migration within an interval of thirty days, if you wish to migrate more than once with 30 days you’ll have to pay a migration fee of ₦102 only. 

How To Check If You Are on MTN TruTalk

To check if you’re on the on the MTN TruTalk tariff plan dial the USSD code *400# to confirm you’re on MTN TruTalk tariff plan. You can also check what tariff plan you’re on by checking your airtime balance.  

How to Migrate To MTN TruTalk 

There are several channels through which subscribers can migrate to MTN TruTalk or activate the tariff plan. The channels through which subscribers can migrate to MTN TruTalk include: USSD, SMS, myMTN app, myMTN web, MTN Chatbot(zigi). 

How To Migrate To MTN TruTalk With USSD


 To migrate to MTN TruTalk using the USSD method follow these steps. 

  • Open or launch your phone dialer app 
  • Then type and dial the USSD code *400# or *123*2*6#
  • Then follow the prompts to select MTN TruTalk as your tariff plan of choice
  • Confirm the migration then enjoy the benefits of MTN TruTalk 

How To Migrate To MTN TruTalk With SMS


Subscribers can also migrate to MTN TruTalk using the SMS method by following these steps. 

  • Launch your SMS app 
  • Type ‘TT’ in the space provided for message 
  • Send the message to 312
  • You’ll receive a notification informing you that you have been migrated to MTN TruTalk tariff plan 

How To Migrate To MTN TruTalk Using myMTN App

 To migrate your line to MTN TruTalk follow these steps.

  • Login to myMTN NG app
  • Select the tariff name under the bell icon on the top right corner of the landing page.
  • On the ‘Migrate plans’ page, click the ‘Change plan’ button.
  • Scroll down to select ‘Trutalk’.

How To Migrate To MTN TruTalk Using myMTN Web

To migrate to MTN TruTalk tariff plan using myMTN web follow these steps: 

  •  Logon to
  • Enter your phone number.
  • Enter OTP and select ‘Proceed’.
  • On the top right corner of the home page, click your name.
  • Select My Plan.
  • Select Other Plans.
  • Select MTN Trutalk.

How To Migrate To MTN TruTalk Using MTN ChatBot (Zigi)

To migrate to MTN TruTalk using zigi follow these steps:

  • Login to ChatBot (Zigi).
  • Select ‘Start a new conversation’.
  • Enter your phone number.
  • Enter the OTP.
  • Select ‘Services’.
  • Select ‘Tariff plan’.
  • Select ‘Personal’.
  • Select ‘Trutalk’.
  • Confirm the migration to Trutalk.

 MTN TruTalk Call Rates

MTN TrueTalk offers subscribers amazing call rates that ensure long call time and conversations. The call rate offered by MTN TruTalk to subscribers is a flat rate of 14kobo/sec to all local networks in Nigeria. 

How To Check Airtime Balance On MTN TruTalk 

To check for airtime balance on your line as a subscriber that is on the MTN TruTalk tariff plan you use USSD code *310# or any of the other channels for checking airtime on the MTN network. 

How To Unsubscribe/Deactivate MTN TruTalk 

 To unsubscribe from the MTN TruTalk tariff plan as a subscriber you just need to migrate your line to another of the MTN network tariff plans. Therefore there’s no single code or channel for just unsubscribing or deactivating from any of the MTN network tariff plans. 

MTN TruTalk Tariff Plan Vs Other Plans

 There are several reasons why you should consider migrating and staying on the MTN TruTalk tariff plan. MTN TruTalk offers call rates that are unbeatable or even available on other tariff plans offered by MTN. 

The data bundles and bonuses offered on the MTN TruTalk tariff plan are so enormous and will keep subscribers always connected on the internet on the go.

Why Should I Migrate To MTN TruTalk? 

 There are several reasons why you should migrate to MTN TruTalk tariff plan some of the reasons include: 

  • Calls at a flat rate of 14kobo/sec for calls ACROSS ALL local Networks in Nigeria after paying a daily access fee of ₦10.
  • The first migration into the TruTalk plan in a month will be free of charge but subsequent migrations within 30 days into the TruTalk plan will attract a migration fee of N102.
  • Access to all MTN products & services.

FAQ on How to Migrate to MTN True Talk

What is MTN True Talk?

MTN TruTalk is a prepaid tariff that allows subscribers to enjoy a FLAT rate of 14kobo/sec for calls across all local Networks in Nigeria after you have paid a daily access fee of ₦10. All MTN Prepaid customers can migrate to the MTN TruTalk tariff plan.

How can I migrate to MTN True Talk?

To migrate to MTN True Talk, simply dial *123*2*6# or send “TT” to 131. You will receive a confirmation message once the migration is successful.

Is there a migration fee for MTN True Talk?

No, there is no migration fee for switching to MTN True Talk. The migration is free of charge.

What is the call rate on MTN True Talk?

On MTN True Talk, you can enjoy a flat call rate of 14 kobo per second for calls to all networks in Nigeria.

Are there any benefits or bonuses on MTN True Talk?

Yes, there are additional benefits on MTN True Talk. You will receive 10MB data bonus on every recharge of ₦100 and above, valid for 2 days.

Can I use MTN True Talk while roaming?

Yes, you can use MTN True Talk while roaming. However, please note that international call rates and roaming charges may apply.

How often can I migrate to MTN TruTalk?

You can migrate to MTN TruTalk as often as you like, you’ll have to pay the migration fee of ₦102 after your first migration within 30 days. 

Will I lose my bonuses if I migrate from MTN True Talk?

If you migrate from MTN True Talk to another tariff plan, you may lose any unused bonuses or benefits associated with MTN True Talk. It is advisable to utilize your bonuses before migrating.


In conclusion, migrating to MTN TruTalk will provide you with enormous benefits including affordable call rates, data bundles, and unbeatable bonuses to give subscribers the best mobile network experience on the MTN network. The migration process to MTN TruTalk is easy as we have listed the procedures of how to migrate to MTN TruTalk in this post. What are you waiting for? migrate your line to MTN TruTalk today.

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