How To Get Access Bank Loan

In today’s fast-paced world, financial flexibility and accessibility is key to realizing your financial, business and economic dreams, whether it’s starting a business, purchasing a new home, or investing in your education. Access to capital can make a huge difference or even all the difference, and one avenue that has helped countless individuals and businesses achieve their goals is through the availability of loans provided by Access Bank.

In this guide, we’ll discuss in detail the types of loans available at Access Bank, how to apply for any of the types of loans offered by Access Bank,  and the eligibility requirements and benefits of Access Bank loans. We’ll also look at the downsides of Access Bank loans if any. Read on to learn. everything you need to know about Access Bank loans.

About Access Bank 

Access Bank is one of the leading financial institutions in Nigeria, the bank has established itself as a prominent player in the Nigerian and African banking sector. Access Bank is a trusted name in the banking industry, which offers a wide range of financial products and services designed to empower individuals and businesses to reach their full potential. 

The bank was founded in 1989, and ever since the bank has grown exponentially over the years, evolving from a small-scale Apapa financial institution into a dynamic and innovative financial powerhouse. The bank has also diversified its business interests and is currently looking to transform into a holding company to contain all its business interests in the new holding structure. Access Bank as a leading full-service commercial bank operates more than 600 branches and service outlets, spread across three continents and 18 countries, with 49+ million customers.

Does Access Bank Give Loan

Yes, Access Bank offers loans to millions of its customers across the 18 countries where the bank has business operations. Access Bank offers loans with very competitive interest rates based on the rates obtainable in the banking industry. 

Types of Access Bank Loans 

Access Bank offers various types of loans to its  customers both individual and corporate, some of the major types of loans offered by Access Bank include: 

Personal Loan: This loan is designed to be a financial empowerment to Access Bank customers, this loan is a salary-administration product that helps applicants for the loan to achieve financial independence and to reach financial goals. 

Payday Loan: This is a loan that is designed to help applicants attend to emergencies that arise before payday. The payday loan is an instant loan available to customers who are salary and non-salary earners, this loan comes with a low-interest rate and does not require documentation and collateral.  

Salary Advance: This is a loan that is designed for salary account holders with Access Bank, with this loan you can get access to a bouquet of loans before your salary is paid. This loan is operated with a 5% interest rate reduction for successful applicants.  

Access Device Financing: This loan is designed to help applicants finance the purchase of a new device or a device upgrade. This loan works with a contract arrangement that also provides a monthly airtime bundle. 

Advance For School Fees: This loan is designed to provide parents/guardians with a financing scheme for their ward’s school fees. This loan is a short-term financing cover for tuition fees, this loan is also ideal for undergraduate, postgraduate and professional studies financing.

Vehicle Finance: This is a loan that is designed to help individuals and businesses finance vehicle purchases for themselves or staff. This loan is open to select businesses and individuals who meet all the requirements for accessing the loan.

Home Loan: This loan is designed to help customers acquire completed properties and properties under construction subject to the terms and conditions provided by the bank and met by the loan applicant.  

W Power Loan: This is a loan that is specially designed for female-owned businesses by providing access to loans and credit facilities to these female-owned businesses. This loan scheme is meant to help lift women-owned businesses to bridge the financing gap among similar businesses owned by their male counterparts. This loan is granted in two broad ways: the “Term Loan” and the “Working Capital Loan”. 

Maternal Health Service Support (MHSS): This loan is designed to help women go through their maternal health care, with this loan more women will be saved from untimely maternal health crises and complications, especially during pregnancy. 

Cash-Backed Loan: This is a type of loan that is designed specifically for Access Bank customers who have an investment portfolio with the bank that is yet to mature. To apply for this loan simply dial *901*11*2# and follow the prompts. 

Access Bank Loan Interest Rate

Access Bank loan interest rates are not fixed, meaning the interest rate on any loan depends on the type of loan you wish to obtain from Access Bank. The loans offered by Access Bank on all types of loans start from 5.25% and can go as high as 15% or more in double-digit interest rates.

Access Bank Loan Eligibility

To get any loans from Access Bank you need to fulfill all the eligibility requirements. The eligibility requirements for the different types of Access Bank loans are listed below: 

Personal Loan

  • You need a completed Application Form
  • Fill in your completed Employee Status Inquiry/Employer’s Confirmation Form
  • Provide evidence of confirmation (Letter of Confirmation, Last promotion letter etc.) from your employer 
  • Provide a copy of your Employment ID and valid means of identification.
  • Provide your BVN
  • Show proof of Credit checks
  • Provide Letter of Lien/Set off

Payday Loan

  • You do not need documentation or collateral for the payday loan
  • You need to have a steady source of income be it salary or business income 

Salary Advance

  • You need to have a salary account with Access Bank
  • You need to be free of any loan obligation 

Access Device Financing

  • You need to have no outstanding loan
  • You need to have a steady source of income 

Advance For School Fees

  • You must show evidence of the school bill carrying the name of the student or students that the loan will be used to pay their school fees 
  • You need to provide a recent utility bill not more than three months old
  • Valid means of identification 

Required Documents for Advance For School Fees Salaried Customers

  • Duly completed application form
  •  Duly accepted offer letter
  •  School fees bill/invoice in the name of the student. The bill should contain the total fee amount
  • Valid ID card and recent utility bill (with the last 3 months)

Required Documents for Advance For School Fees Non-Salaried Customers

  • Duly completed application form
  •  Valid ID card
  •  1-year Bank statement of corporate account
  •  CAC documents
  •  Recent Utility Bill not more than 3 months old
  •  Duly accepted offer letter
  •  School fees bill or invoice in the name of the student. The bill should contain the total fee.
  •  Evidence of lien on treasury bill, fixed deposit on any money market investments. OR
  •  Receipt of an acceptable individual or corporate guarantee
  •  Statement of Net worth of guarantor

Extra Documents Required by Out-Bank Applicants for the Advance For School Fees Loan 

  • Executed NIBBS mandate form
  • An acceptable party guarantee of personal or corporate (Guarantor must maintain a salary or corporate account with Access Bank)
  • A statement of the net worth of the guarantor
  • Payslips and 6 months statement
  • Letter of lien/set-off

Vehicle Finance 

To apply for vehicle finance you require several documents depending on your customer status and business type, below is a list of all the requirements for a vehicle finance application: 

  • Completed application form
  • Pro forma invoice from any of the Bank’s approved vendors addressed “Access Bank/Customer’s name”
  • Credit Checks
  • Blank transfer of ownership Form
  • Vehicle Inspection Report & agreement this applies to pre-owned vehicles only
  • Duly accepted offer letter & term sheet

Additional Requirement For Salaried Income Applicants

  • Copy of staff ID

Additional Requirements For Business Enterprises Vehicle Finance Loan

  • One (1) year bank statements (other banks)
  • Simple Resolution
  • Certificate of business registration & Form of application of registration of business name
  • One (1) year bank statements for other banks
  • Simple Resolution
  • Certificate of business registration & Form of application of registration of business name

Additional Requirements For Incorporated Companies Vehicle Finance Loan 

  • Board Resolution
  • CAC documents including CAC 2, CAC 7, Certificate of Incorporation
  • Personal guarantee and notarised statement of net worth of a director

Home Loan

  • A completed mortgage application form
  • An employee status inquiry/employer’s confirmation form
  • Letter of offer from the property seller
  • Title document of the property to be purchased 
  • Valuation report from any of Access Bank’s approved estate valuer
  • An accurate Search report
  • Full credit checks

W Power Loan

  • Your business needs to be at least a 50% female-owned business
  • The business needs to have a woman as its CEO 
  • Your business needs to have been registered with CAC and operational for at least one year

Maternal Health Service Support (MHSS)

  • You need to have your completed MHSS application form
  • YouDomiciliation of Salaries/ Business Proceeds in Access Bank is compulsory 
  • You need to provide your executed employee status inquiry/employer’s confirmation
  • You need to provide your Medical bill
  • Provide your BVN
  • You have to perform Credit checks

Access Bank Loan Application Process

The application process for the various types of loans offered by Access Bank is specific to each type of loan. The application process for the different types of loans available at Access Bank is listed below: 

Personal Loan

  • Visit the Access Bank personal loan application website and then download and fill out the personal loan application form
  • Fill out the interest form and continue with your loan application
  • Submit your filled forms and wait for your loan approval and disbursement 

Payday Loan

  • You can get the payday loan by dialing *901*11# or *426*11# then following the prompt 
  • You can also apply through Internet Banking, WhatsApp Banking, Access Mobile App and QuickBucks App

Salary Advance

  • You can apply for the salary advance through the QuickBucks app 
  • You can also apply through the USSD code *901*11*1# then follow the prompts to receive your loan

Access Device Financing

You can have access to the Access Bank device financing loan through the QuickBucks app by following these steps: 

  • Download the Quickbucks app from either the Play Store or the App Store
  • Input your email address and the phone number linked to your BVN
  • Wait for the OTP that will be sent to you via SMS for verification. After verifying your BVN details, create an app password to be used to log into the app and a PIN to be used for transacting
  • Enter your personal details such as location, address, name, salary account name and number, etc. Then agree/consent to the terms and conditions
  •  Click on the ‘device finance’ console, then select the phone of your choice and fill in the required details
  • Click on ‘get this device’. Accept the T&C
  • You will receive a transaction code via mail with other requirements for the pickup of the device

Advance For School Fees

The application process and requirements for advanced school fees vary depending on the status of the applicant, that is salaried customers and non-salaried customers. Below are the application process steps: 

  • Download and fill out the loan application forms for the loan with that accurate information
  • Append your electronic signature on the completed forms 
  • Send the completed form and all required documents to
  • The loan is approved and the offer letter is communicated for execution
  • Upon the receipt of the executed offer letter and all other necessary documents, your loan is disbursed into your account and immediately transferred to the school’s account.
  • Head to the school and present transaction receipt at school 

Vehicle Finance 

Download and complete all the required forms for vehicle finance loans depending on your status as an individual a business, or a corporation 

Submit your completed forms and the documents listed above and wait for your loan to be disbursed

Home Loan

  • Download and complete  the mortgage loan form from the Access Bank website
  • Then submit the completed mortgage application form 

W Power Loan

  • To get access to this loan send a message to indicating your interest in the W Power loan

Maternal Health Service Support (MHSS)

  • To obtain the MHSS loan you are required to visit the Access Bank website, then fill out the MHSS application form and then submit the form and wait for your loan application to be reviewed. 
  • Your loan will be reviewed and funds disbursed to your account once your loan application is approved

Benefits of Access Bank Loan

The benefits of Access Bank loans can be categorised based on the types of loans available at Access Bank. 

Personal Loan

  • The loan amount and term of repayment is very flexible to fit the need of individuals 
  • The loan has credit life insurance attached to it
  • You have up to 36 months which is three years to repay the loan
  • You can get a loan amount up to 75% of your net annual salary if your employment has terminal benefit
  • You can get a loan amount of up to 50% of your net annual salary if your employment does not have a terminal benefit

Payday Loan

  • You must not be a salary earner to apply for the  Access Bank payday loan 
  • You do not need collateral to apply for this loan 
  • You also do not need documentation for this loan 
  • The loan is available 24/7 and does not require you to visit any Access Bank branch for the loan to be approved 

Salary Advance

  • You do not need documentation
  • You do not need collateral to get this loan
  • This loan service is available 24/7 to always attend to your requests 

Access Device Financing

  • With this financing, you get a suitable device for your personal and official use 
  • You do not need collateral for this loan 
  • You get access to free airtime bundles with MTN

Advance For School Fees

  • This loan provides you with the required funds to pay for school fees 
  • With this loan, you do not have to worry about  funding throughout your ward’s schooling or your school programme if you’re an undergraduate, postgraduate student, or professional study enrollee
  • You can get up to 5 million Naira in loan offer for the advance for school fee loan scheme 

Vehicle Finance 

  • You save money up to ₦40,000 on vehicle registration, you also get an auto care kit with Access Bank vehicle finance
  • With this loan, you can get funding to purchase pre-owned and brand-new vehicles
  • This loan affords you the opportunity to select the vehicle of your choice from a wide range of vehicle brands and models
  • Vehicle re-financing for pre-owned cars is available 
  • Highly competitive interest rates are offered in this loan scheme 
  • Access to a wide range of vehicle brands and models

Home Loan

  • This loan is available to both salary earners and business entrepreneurs
  • The home loan has a tenure of up to 20 years 
  • This loan provides asset protection & credit life insurance
  • This loan has no provision for interest

W Power Loan

  • The W power loan helps women to level up in their business operations, especially in the aspect of business financing
  • This loan also helps women and women-owned businesses to acquire assets that they would normally find difficult to purchase owing to financial constraints
  • This loan is for a minimum of one million Naira and a maximum of a hundred million Naira 

Maternal Health Service Support (MHSS)

  • You are not required to pay any Loan Fees
  • The interest rate on this loan is heavily and highly subsidized 
  • This loan offers you flexible repayment options 
  • With this loan, you have access to over 30 well-renowned fertility clinics and birth travel service companies in Nigeria.

Cons of Access Bank Loan

Access Bank loans have enormous benefits to customers of the bank, but the loans also have a few downsides some of which include: 

  • Some of the loans such as salary advance and school fee advance have a very short repayment tenor
  • The home loan is available to only properties in Lagos, Abuja and Port Harcourt


Access Bank loans are offered to customers and non-customers including salary earners and non-salary earners, these make Access Bank loans desirable by individuals and businesses both in the Access Bank ecosystem and outside of it. With Access Bank you are guaranteed a loan that will suit your business and personal finance, why not try out an Access Bank loan today? 

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